Mar 12, 2025
NESL 53B - Intermediate Writing and Grammar 0 units 5 hours lecture Prerequisite: NESL 53A with a grade of Pass or ESL 53A with a minimum grade of C or qualification by assessment Noncredit This course offers students intensive experience in preparing to write college-level essays. Students will learn to write well organized, coherent expository essays, including critical reactions to reading. They will review basic rhetorical modes such as summary, narration, description and process, and will be introduced to the rhetorical modes of comparison-contrast and argumentation. Simple, progressive, and present perfect verbs, and other basic grammar rules will be reviewed, and passive voice, conditionals, past perfect, perfect modals, and other intermediate grammar topics will be introduced. The content of NESL 53B, a noncredit course, is identical to the content of ESL 53B, a credit course. NESL 53B shall be offered with ESL 53B as a dual-roster course.
Note: Pass/no pass only.
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