Feb 17, 2025
BIOL 102H - Honors Principles of Biology II 5 units 3 hours lecture, 6 hours lab Prerequisite: CHEM 1A with minimum grade of C or equivalent Recommended Preparation: eligibility for ENGL 1A or ENGL 1AH Credit, degree applicable Transfer CSU, UC
This honors course, intended for students in the Honors Transfer Program, offers a detailed study of eukaryotic cell anatomy, metabolism, and division, including the study of Mendelian genetics and the molecular genetics of eukaryotes. Prokaryotic cellular structure (eubacteria and archaea), microbial genetics, and viruses are also studied. The scientific method is discussed in the lecture component and students implement elements of the process in various laboratory exercises. This course is one of three courses in the biology series designed for biology majors, including those students planning to pursue a career in medicine, dentistry, or other life sciences. This course is enriched through extensive rigorous reading, writing, and research assignments.
Note: Students may take either BIOL 102 or Biology 102H. Duplicate credit will not be awarded for BIOL 102 and Biology 102H.
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