Area 1: English Communication
UC and CSU transfers complete groups A and B; Group C is required for CSU transfers only.
Group A: ENGL 1A , ENGL 1AH
Group B: One course from: ENGL 1C , ENGL 1CH , PHIL 105 , PHIL 105H , PSYC 3 , PSYC 3H ; [The following two - course combinations acceptable if ENGL 1B was taken prior to fall, 1993: ENGL 1B and PHIL 106 or ENGL 1B and PSYC 3 , PSYC 3H (PSYC 3 ) stands alone if taken fall, 1992 or later)]
Group C (CSU transfers only): One course from: COMS 100 , COMS 120 , COMS 130 , COMS 140 ?
Area 5: Physical and Biological Sciences
Two courses, 7-9 semester or 9-12 quarter units; one physical science course, one biological science course; at least one course must include a laboratory (*indicates a lab course):
Area 6 UC Only: Language other than English
The requirement may be met by one of the following:
A course at ECC: C H 1 , FREN 1 , GERM 1 , ITAL 1 , ITAL 2 , JAPA 1 , SLAN 111 ≠, SPAN 1 , SPAN 5 , SPAN 6 , SPAN 52A , SPAN 52B .
- Two years of high school coursework in a language other than English with a final grade of C or better. The two years must be in the same language (high school transcripts must be on file with ECC).
- Foreign language course (or courses) at another college or university that is comparable to two years of high school foreign language.
- Satisfactory score on the SAT II: Subject Test in languages other than English. (If taken before May 1995, use the first score; if taken after May 1995, use the second score): Chinese with Listening 500/520; French/French with Listening 500/540; German/German with Listening 500/510; Hebrew (modern) 500/470; Italian 500/520; Japanese with Listening 500/510; Korean /500; Latin 500/530; Spanish/Spanish with Listening 500/520.
- Score of 3 or better on the College Board Advanced Placement Examinations in languages other than English.
- Score of 5 or higher on the International Baccalaureate Higher Level Examinations in languages other than English.
- A Defense Language Institute language other than English course which is indicated as passed with a “C” or higher on the official transcript.
- Satisfactory completion of an achievement or proficiency test administered by a community college, university or other college in a language other than English. The test must assess the student proficiency at a level equivalent to at least two years of high school language. This conclusion must be posted on a transcript indicating unit, course title, and grade or on a document with letter head of the institution granting proficiency stating that the student has mastered proficiency in the language equivalent to two years of high school language.
- Language other than English “O” level exam with a grade of A, B, or C.
- Language other than English International “A” level exam with a score of 5, 6, 7.
- Satisfactory completion of C grades or better, of two years of formal schooling at the sixth grade level or higher in an institution where the language of instruction is not English.
Note: If the secondary school was completed in a non-English speaking country and the language of instruction of the secondary school was not English, language other than English proficiency can be certified for IGETC without further evaluation. The student must present appropriate documentation of attendance at the secondary school.
CSU Only: Graduation requirement in American History and American Institutions: HIST 101 , HIST 102 , HIST 105 , HIST 106 , HIST 108 , HIST 110 , HIST 111 , HIST 112 , HIST 122
Institutions: POLI 1
+ | Indicates course only acceptable in this area if taken fall, 1993 or later. |
^ | Indicates course only acceptable in this area if taken fall, 1995 or later |
~ | Indicates course only acceptable in this area if taken fall, 1997 or later. |
> | Indicates course only acceptable in this area if taken fall, 1998 or later. |
$ | Indicates course only acceptable in this area if taken fall, 1999 or later. |
° | Indicates course only acceptable in this area if taken fall, 1999 or later. |
? | Indicates course only acceptable in this area if taken fall, 2001 or later. |
Σ | Indicates course only acceptable in this area if taken fall, 2002 or later. |
ø | Indicates course only acceptable in this area if taken fall, 2003 or later. |
& | Indicates course only acceptable in this area if taken fall, 2004 or later. |
© | Indicates course only acceptable in this area if taken fall, 2005 or later. |
± | Indicates course only acceptable in this area if taken fall, 2006 or later. |
? | Indicates course only acceptable in this area if taken fall, 2007 or later. |
# | Indicates that transfer credit may be limited by UC or CSU or both; please consult with a counselor. |
Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC): For general education courses taken after fall 2008, please check with your academic counselor or for course applicability and limitations.