Feb 15, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog [Archived] 
2022-2023 Catalog [Archived] [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Regulations

Grading and Academic Record Symbols

Board Policy 4230

Courses shall be graded using the grading system established by Title 5 section 55023. The grading system shall be published in the college catalog and made available to students.

Administrative Procedure 4230

The grading practices of the El Camino Community College District shall be as follows:

Semester Unit of Credit

College work at El Camino College is measured in terms of semester units. One unit of credit is awarded for approximately 54 hours of lecture, study or laboratory work. The amount of credit awarded shall be adjusted in proportion to the number of hours of lecture, study or laboratory work.

Grade Records

Instructors will maintain records required by the District and report grades in a timely manner based on District procedures, as per the Instructor Position description. Instructors shall maintain a careful record of graded assignments and, to support the grade assigned for the course, the grade roster should have a minimum of three grades plus the final examination grade for each student.

Grades, Grade Points, and Grade Point Average:

Grade points are numerical values, which indicate the scholarship level of letter grades. The grade point average equals total grade points divided by total units attempted for credit courses in which letter grades have been assigned. Grade points are assigned according to the scale in the chart below and shall be published in the college catalog.

Evaluative Symbols

A Excellent 4 points for each unit
B Good 3 points for each unit
C Satisfactory 2 points for each unit
D Passing, less than satisfactory 1 point for each unit
F Failing 0 points for each unit
P Pass, at least satisfactory See Note 1
NP No Pass, less than satisfactory (formerly NC No Credit) See Note 1
I Incomplete See Note 2
IP In Progress See Note 3
W Withdrawal See Note 4
MW Military Withdrawal See Note 5
EW Military Withdrawal See Note 6
RD Report Delayed See Note 7


  1. P/NP - Pass-No Pass (formerly CR/NC for Credit/ No Credit)
    A certain number of courses are offered only on a P/NP basis while some others are offered on a P/ NP or letter grade option depending on which the student selects by the fourth week of a 16-week class or 25 percent of a class. A student earning a P grade will receive unit credit toward graduation if the course is degree applicable. Unit credit earned in P/NP courses will not be considered when calculating grade point average. Designation of P/ NP or option P/NP grading is included in the course description. All grades in credit courses except W and P/NP will be considered in determining the grade point average. While NP and W grades are not used in grade point determination, a student with an excessive number of withdrawals or NPs is subject to probation or dismissal regulations.
  2. I-Incomplete
    A student may receive a notation of “I” (Incomplete) and a default grade when a student did not complete his or her academic work for unforeseeable, emergency, and justifiable reasons. The Incomplete grade to be assigned by the instructor and designated on the student’s transcript will be IB, IC, ID, or IF. Collectively, these grades will be referred to as an “I” grade. If the student does not complete the required work by the end of the sixth week, the “I” will automatically be removed and the default grade will be assigned. Any extension of the time for completion of the required work must be approved by the division dean.
  3. IP-In Progress
    The “IP” symbol shall be used only in those courses, which extend beyond the normal end of an academic term. It indicates that work is “in progress,” but that assignment of an evaluative symbol (grade) must await its completion. The “IP” symbol shall remain on the student’s permanent record in order to satisfy enrollment documentation. The appropriate evaluative symbol (grade) and unit credit shall be assigned and appear on the student’s permanent record for the term in which the course is completed. The “IP” shall not be used in calculating grade point averages. If a student enrolled in an “open-entry, open-exit” course is assigned an “IP” at the end of an attendance period and does not re-enroll in that course during the subsequent attendance period, the appropriate faculty will assign an evaluative symbol (grade-A through F, P or NP) to be recorded on the student’s permanent record for the course.
  4. W-Withdrawal
    It is the student’s responsibility to process a withdrawal. A student may also be dropped by the instructor if the student has excessive absences. Withdrawal from classes is authorized through the 12th week of instruction in a 16-week class, or 75 percent of a class, whichever is less. If a student remains in class beyond the published withdrawal date, an evaluative symbol (grade-A through F, P or NP) or an “I” (Incomplete) shall be assigned. A student who must withdraw after the published withdrawal date, due to extenuating circumstances may petition for assignment of a “W.” Extenuating circumstances are verified cases of accidents, illnesses or other circumstances beyond the control of the student.

    No notation (“W” or other) shall be made on the academic record of the student who withdraws prior to the close of the second week of a 16-week class, or 20 percent of a class, whichever is less. Any withdrawal occurring after the published No Notation date shall be recorded as a “W” on the student’s record.

    The “W” shall not be used in calculating grade point averages, but excessive “W’s” shall be used as factors in probation and dismissal procedures.
  5. MW-Military Withdrawal
    Military Withdrawal occurs when a student who is a member of an active or reserve United States military service receives orders compelling a withdrawal from courses. Upon verification of such orders, the student may be assigned “MW.” Military withdrawals shall not be counted in the limitation on excessive withdrawals nor in progress probation and dismissal calculations.
  6. EW-Excused Withdrawal

An Excused Withdrawal (EW) occurs when a student is permitted to withdraw from a course(s) due to specific events beyond his/her control, affecting his or her ability to complete a course(s). This may include a job transfer outside the geographical region, an illness in the family where the student is the primary caregiver, when the student who is incarcerated in a California state prison or county jail is released from custody or involuntarily transferred before the end of the term, when the student is the subject of an immigration action, or other extenuating circumstances making course completion impractical. In the case of an incarcerated student, an excused withdrawal cannot be applied if the failure to complete the course(s) was the result of a student’s behavioral violation or if the student requested and was granted a mid-semester transfer.

Upon verification of these conditions by the registrar and consistent with the District’s required documentation substantiating the condition, an excused withdrawal symbol may be assigned at any time after the period established by the governing board during which no notation is made for withdrawals. The withdrawal symbol is an “EW.”

An Excused Withdrawal shall not be counted in progress probation and dismissal calculations and shall not be counted toward the permitted number of withdrawals or counted as an enrollment attempt.  The EW does not qualify for a refund.

     7. RD - Report Delayed

         The “RD” symbol may be assigned by the registrar only. It is to be used when there is a delay in reporting the grade of a student due to circumstances beyond the control of the                 student. It is a temporary notation to be replaced by a permanent symbol as soon as possible. “RD” shall not be used in calculating grade point averages.

Grade Change

Board Policy 4231

When grades are given for any course of instruction taught in the El Camino Community College District, the grade given to each student shall be the grade determined by the instructor of the course, and the determination of the student’s grade by the instructor, in the absence of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetency, shall be final.

A student who alleges that a grade in a course was given as a result of mistake, fraud, bad faith, or incompetency may appeal the grade within 18 months of the last day of the term in which the grade was posted.

Upon determination by the District that a grade in a course was given as a result of fraud, the District may change or remove the fraudulent grade from the student’s transcript of record based on the recommendation of a faculty committee. Such action may be initiated upon determination of the fraud without regard to the time limits imposed on other grade appeal actions.

Procedures for changing or removing grades in accordance with this policy have been developed by the President/Superintendent or his designees in collegial consultation with the Academic Senate.

This policy supersedes the section of BP 4220 that deals with grade change procedures.

Grade Change Administrative Procedure 4231

Students may review the Administrative Procedure for Board Policy 4231 on the El Camino College website www.elcamino.edu/administration/board/policies.asp.

Limitation to Remedial Coursework

Board Policy 4222

It is the policy of El Camino College that a student shall not receive credit for more than 30 units of remedial (pre-collegiate basic skills) course work at El Camino College. This limitation does not apply to the following:

  1. A student enrolled in an English as a Second Language (ESL) course; or
  2. A student identified as having a documented disability A student may be granted a waiver to the 30-unit limit upon petition. Waivers will be granted only if the student shows significant measurable progress towards the development of skills appropriate to enrollment in degree-applicable credit courses.

Procedures for implementing this policy will be developed by the Superintendent/President in collegial consultation with the Academic Senate.

Prerequisites and Corequisites

Board Policy 4260

The Superintendent/President is authorized to establish prerequisites, corequisites and advisories on recommended preparation for courses in the curriculum. All such prerequisites, corequisites and advisories shall be established in accordance with the standards set out in Title 5. Any prerequisites, corequisites or advisories shall be necessary and appropriate for achieving the purpose for which they are established. The procedures shall include a process by which a prerequisite or corequisite may be challenged by a student on grounds permitted by law. Prerequisites, corequisites and advisories shall be identified in District publications available to students.

Procedures for implementing the policy will be developed in collegial consultation with the Academic Senate, as defined in CCR § 53200.

Administrative Procedure 4260

Students may review the Administrative Procedure for Board Policy 4260 on the El Camino College website www.elcamino.edu/administration/board/policies.asp.

Probation, Dismissal and Readmission

Board Policy 4250

El Camino College has two types of probation: Academic Probation and Progress Probation. The purpose of probation is to encourage a student having academic difficulties to seek appropriate guidance and support in formulating and achieving goals.

  1. Placement on Academic Probation
    A student who has attempted at least 12 semester units of letter graded course work, as shown by the academic record, will be placed on Academic Probation when the grade point average for total units attempted at El Camino College is less than 2.0.
  2. Removal from Academic Probation
    A student will be removed from Academic Probation when the cumulative grade point average is 2.0 or higher in total units attempted at El Camino College.
  3. Placement on Progress Probation
    A student who has enrolled in 12 or more semester units as shown by the official academic record will be placed on Progress Probation if entries of “W,” “I,” “NC” and/or “NP” account for 50 percent or more of the total units attempted. Courses dropped prior to the “No Notation” deadline are not considered “units attempted” and do not receive entries as “W” “I,” or “NC/NP.”
  4. Removal from Progress Probation
    A student will be removed from Progress Probation when the percentage of entries of “W,” “I,” “NC” and/ or “NP” drops below 50 percent of the total units attempted.
  5. Dismissal Because of Academic Probation
    A student on Academic Probation will be dismissed if the student earned a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.0 in all letter graded credit units attempted in each of three consecutive semesters. However, if a student achieves a 2.0 or higher during the most recent regular (fall, spring) semester while on probation, the student will continue on probation, but will not be subject to dismissal. Terms shorter than 16 weeks (i.e. winter, summer) will not be considered a semester. A semester in which the student does not take any courses will not be counted as a semester.
  6. Dismissal Because of Progress Probation
    A student on Progress Probation will be dismissed if the percentage of units in which the student has been enrolled for which entries of “W,” “I,” “NC and/or “NP” remains at or above 50 percent for three consecutive semesters. However, if a student completes 50 percent or more of the attempted units during the most recent regular (fall, spring) semester while on probation, the student will continue on probation, but will not be subject to dismissal. Terms shorter than 16 weeks will not be considered a semester. A semester in which the student does not take any courses will not be counted as a semester.
  7. Appeal of Probation or Dismissal
    A student who believes that there are extenuating circumstances that warrant an exception to the probation and dismissal standards set forth in this policy may submit a written appeal with supporting documentation in compliance with administrative procedures. Dismissal may also be postponed if student can show significant improvement in the last semester.
  8. Readmission Following Dismissal
    A student who has been dismissed may return after sitting out at least one 16-week semester. A readmitted student will remain on probation until the cumulative average is above 2.0 and/or the percentage of “W,” “I,” “NC” and/or “NP” entries is below 50 percent.

    Procedures for implementing the policy will be developed in collegial consultation with the Academic Senate.

Probation, Dismissal and Readmission

Administrative Procedure 4250

  1. A student who is placed on Academic or Progress Probation or who is dismissed from the college will be notified in writing and will be informed of college support services available.
  2. A student who is on Academic or Progress Probation for two or more consecutive semesters is limited to no more than 12 units in any semester of 16 weeks or more, and no more than 5 units in any session shorter than 16 weeks (i.e. winter or summer session). Under special circumstances, a student may petition for additional units through the Counseling and Student Success Office.
  3. A student who is on Academic or Progress Probation for two or more consecutive semesters or who is returning to El Camino after having been dismissed is required to see a counselor before registering for subsequent semesters. If the student has not attended for one or more semesters, an application for readmission is necessary.
  4. The student has the right to appeal dismissal.
    1. The student must file the written petition of appeal with the Counseling and Student Success office within the time limit noted on the dismissal letter. If the student fails to file a written petition within the specified period, the student waives all future rights to appeal the dismissal and must sit out that semester.
    2. It is the student’s responsibility to indicate on the petition a clear statement of the grounds on which continued enrollment should be granted and to provide evidence supporting the reasons.
    3. Petitions will be reviewed by the Reinstatement Committee. The student will be notified of the Committee’s action in a timely manner (usually within 7 business days).
    4. The student may appeal the Committee’s decision in writing to the Counseling and Student Success office within 21calendar days of the date of notification. The decision of the Counseling and Student Success office is final.
  5. A readmitted student will remain on probation until the cumulative average is 2.0 or above and/or the percentage of “W,” “I,” and “NC/NP” entries are below 50%. A student who withdraws from ECC voluntarily while on probation will be readmitted in the same status that existed at the time of withdrawal.

Academic Renewal Policy and Procedures

Board Policy 4240

The Superintendent/President shall, in consultation with the appropriate groups, develop procedures that provide for academic renewal. It is the policy of El Camino College to allow previously recorded substandard academic work to be disregarded if it is not reflective of a student’s more recently demonstrated ability and if repetition is not appropriate to the current objectives of the student.

Procedures for implementing the policy will be developed in collegial consultation with the Academic Senate.

Academic Renewal Administrative Procedure 4240

Students may review the Administrative Procedure for Board Policy 4240 on the El Camino College website www.elcamino.edu/administration/board/policies.asp.

Academic Freedom

Board Policy 4030

The El Camino Community College District recognizes that institutions of higher education are conducted for the common good and not to further the interest of either the individual faculty member or the institution as a whole. The common good depends upon the free search for truth and its free exposition. Academic freedom is essential to these purposes and applies to both teaching and research. Academic freedom is fundamental for the protection of the rights of the faculty member in teaching and of the student in learning. It carries with it responsibilities correlative with rights. Accordingly, a faculty member shall have the freedom:

  1. To examine or endorse unpopular or controversial ideas either in classroom teaching or in discussions with students as is appropriate to the course content, or in academic research or publication, while recognizing the responsibility to be accurate, objective and respectful of others. Faculty also have the responsibility to grade students solely on the basis of evidence of knowledge of the material pertinent to the class and attainment of appropriate skills, or other generally accepted grading criteria, avoiding any bias generated by a student’s political outlook, religious belief or other personal attributes.
  2. To select or recommend the selection of course instructional materials that may contain unpopular or controversial ideas, with the correlative responsibility that these materials are pertinent for the course.
  3. To speak or write as a citizen, provided that the faculty member recognizes the special professional obligations of an educator to be accurate, objective and respectful of others, and that the faculty member takes care to avoid leaving the impression that he or she is speaking for the College or the district.
  4. To select or recommend library books, materials, media and online resources representing a multiplicity of philosophies and points of view, relying on professional expertise to maintain appropriate depth and breadth of the collections.

A faculty member shall not be subject to any adverse action affecting his or her employment with the El Camino Community College District for exercising any of the foregoing choices.

Procedures for implementing the policy will be developed in collegial consultation with the Academic Senate.

Course Repetition

Board Policy 4225

The Superintendent/President or designee will have the authority to develop and implement policy and procedures with regards to repeatable and non- repeatable courses within the district. Such policies and procedures will be developed in accordance with state, federal and/or district regulations.

Repeatable courses with the designation of “ab, abc, or abcd” may be taken more than once for credit. El Camino College designates as repeatable courses for which repetition is necessary to meet the lower-division major requirements of CSU or UC for completion of a Bachelor’s Degree, intercollegiate athletics and related conditioning courses, and intercollegiate academic or vocational competition courses.

Non-repeatable courses may be taken only once for credit. Students may retake a non-repeatable course in which they have received a substandard grade (D, F, NP or NC) or Withdrawal (W) only once before college intervention.

Under special circumstances, students may repeat courses in which a grade of C or better was earned. These special circumstances and other specific exceptions to the above policies are detailed in administrative procedures.

When course repetition occurs, the permanent academic record shall be annotated in such a manner that all work remains legible, insuring a true and complete academic history.

Procedures for implementing the policy will be developed in collegial consultation with the Academic Senate.

Course Repetition Administrative Procedure 4225

Students may review the Administrative Procedure for Board Policy 4225 on the El Camino College website www.elcamino.edu/administration/board/policies.asp.

Course Repetition Policy and Active Participatory Course Limitations

Repetition occurs when a student who has previously received an evaluative symbol (grade) in a particular credit course re-enrolls in that same course and receives another evaluative symbol. Credit course repetition is regulated by state guidelines as described in Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, Sections 55040-55046.

Students may repeat credit courses at El Camino College under specific circumstances as outlined in Board Policy 4225 and Administrative Procedure 4225. There are three general circumstances when a course may be repeated:

  1. when a course is specifically designed as repeatable;
  2. when a student earns a substandard grade (D, F, or NP) or a Withdrawal (W) is assigned, and the student wants to retake the course to earn a passing grade; and
  3. when a student meets the criteria for special circumstances.

Repeatable Courses

Repeatable courses are those listed in the College Catalog that have lowercase letters in the course number. The lowercase letters indicate the number of times a course may be repeated. Examples of repeatable courses include Physical Education 60abc (Women’s Intercollegiate Soccer Team) and Communication Studies 293abcd (Forensics - Team Events). In these examples, students may enroll in Physical Education 60abc three times and Communication Studies 293abcd four times.

El Camino College designates only the following types of courses to be repeatable per Title 5:

  1. Courses for which repetition is necessary to meet the lower-division major requirements of CSU or UC for completion of a Bachelor’s Degree (Title 5, Section 55041(a)(1)).
  2. Intercollegiate athletics and related conditioning courses (Title 5, Section 55041(b)(2)).
  3. Intercollegiate academic or vocational competition (Title 5, Section 55041(a)(3)).

For additional information regarding the scope and limitations of repeatable courses, refer to the Administrative Procedure for Board Policy 4225 on the El Camino College website www.elcamino.edu/administration/board/policies.asp.

Course Repetition to Alleviate a Substandard Grade

Students may retake a non-repeatable course in which they have one unsuccessful attempt only once without College intervention. An unsuccessful attempt occurs when a student receives a Withdrawal or a substandard grade (D, F, or NP). Students may retake a non-repeatable course in which they have two unsuccessful attempts only after completing College intervention. This intervention involves a student petition, which is reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the appropriate dean and/or the Admissions Office. The petition form can be obtained in the appropriate academic division office. Students are limited to a maximum of three (3) enrollments in a course unless otherwise specified in Title 5, Sections 55040-55046.

A passing or substandard grade received in the retake shall replace the original grade in the calculation of the grade point average, except under circumstances specified in Title 5, Section 55040(b)(6)(8)(9). This will be annotated on the student’s academic transcript. The original grade, alleviated by the new grade, must remain on the student’s academic transcript.

A maximum of two substandard grades will be excluded in computing the student’s grade point average (Title 5, Section 55042).

In general, students are not permitted to repeat courses in which they have earned a grade of A, B, C, or P except due to Special Circumstances as described below.

Special Circumstances

Students may only petition to repeat a course beyond the maximum allowed enrollments under the following conditions:

  1. Significant Lapse of Time (Title 5, Section 55040(b) (3), 55043): Students may petition to repeat a class if it is determined that a significant lapse of time (no less than 36 months) has occurred since the last time the student was enrolled in the course. The course must be required by the district as a recency prerequisite or another institution of higher education as to which the student seeks to transfer has established a recency prerequisite which the student will not be able to satisfy without repeating the course in question.
  2. Variable Unit Open-Entry/Open-Exit Courses (Title 5, Section 55040(b)(4), 55044): Enrollments are limited to the number of times necessary for a student to complete one time the entire curriculum of the course as described in the corresponding course outline of record.
  3. Extenuating Circumstances (Title 5, Section 55040(b)(5), 55045): Students may petition to repeat a course due to verified cases of accidents, illness, or other circumstances beyond the control of the student. The grade achieved by the student in the previous enrollment can be substandard or passing (A, B, C, D, F, or NP). A student receiving a non-evaluative grading symbol (I, IP, RD, W, or MW) cannot re-enroll in a course as a result of extenuating circumstances.
  4. Occupational Work Experience (Title 5, Section 55040(b)(6)): Districts may permit students to enroll multiple times in an occupational work experience course if certain conditions are met as outlined in Title 5, Section 55253.
  5. Special Classes for Students with Disabilities (Title 5, Section 55040(b)(7)): Special classes designed for students with disabilities may be subject to extensions of repeatability in certain circumstances. Repetition may be authorized based on a case-by-case determination related to the student’s educational limitation pursuant to state and federal non-discrimination laws. The determination must be based on one of the following circumstances as specified in Title 5, Section 56029:
    1. when continuing success of the student in other general and/or special classes is dependent on additional repetitions of a special class,
    2. when additional repetitions of a specific class are essential to completing a student’s preparation for enrollment into other regular or special classes, and
    3. when the student has a student educational contract which involves a goal other than completion of the special class in question and repetition of the course will further achievement of that goal.
  6. Legally Mandated Courses (Title 5, Section 55040(b) (8)): Students are allowed to repeat a course when the repetition is necessary to enable students to meet a legally mandated training requirement as a condition of volunteer or paid employment. Students can repeat such courses any number of times, even if they received a grade of C or better; however, the grade and credit earned by the student each time will be included in calculations of the student’s grade point average.
  7. Significant Change in Industry or Licensure Standards (Title 5, Section 55040(b)(9)): Students may petition the district to repeat a course as a result of a significant change in industry or licensure standards such that repetition of the course is necessary for employment or licensure. Students can repeat such courses any number of times, even if they received a grade of C or better; however, the grade and credit earned by the student each time will be included in calculations of the student’s grade point average.

Active Participatory Course Limitations - Course Families

Prior to fall 2013, students were able to repeat active participatory courses in the areas of Art, Dance, Theatre, Music, and Physical Education (PE). However, as of fall 2013, all active participatory courses are non- repeatable and can only be taken one time subject to the limitations set forth in Title 5, Section 55040(c).

While students will not, in most cases, be allowed to repeat an active participatory course, they will still be allowed to enroll in a series of active participatory courses that are related in content (commonly referred to as a family of courses). However, students will be limited to taking a maximum of four courses in any one family of courses. This limitation does not contain a grandfather clause and includes courses taken both before and after fall 2013. Therefore, if a student has reached the maximum four enrollments within a family, regardless of grade or W, then he/she cannot enroll in any course within the family again within the El Camino Community College District.

All grades, including Ws, will count toward the four- course enrollment limitation and for computing the grade point average (GPA). Students can repeat Art, Dance, Drama, Music, and PE courses that are included in Families of Courses in which a D, F, or NP grade was earned or a W was assigned; however, all enrollments count toward the four-enrollment maximum for each family of courses.


Cardiorespiratory Training Family

PE 2 - Walking for Fitness
PE 245 - Water Aerobics
PE 254 - Aerobic Fitness
PE 404 - Adapted Cardiovascular Fitness

Racquet Sports Family

PE 204 - Badminton
PE 251 - Tennis

Combatives Family

PE 18A - Boxing
PE 220 - Naginata: A Japanese Martial Art
PE 221 - Combative Arts and Self Defense

Resistance Training Family

PE 54 - Weight Training
PE 259 - Circuit Training
PE 401 - Adapted Strength Training

Cross Training Family

PE 3 - Boot Camp Fitness Training
PE 10 - Body Conditioning and Physical Fitness
PE 400 - Adapted Fitness

Swimming Family

PE 240A - Beginning Swimming
PE 240B - Intermediate Swimming
PE 240C - Advanced Swimming
PE 249 - Swimming for Fitness
PE 402 - Adapted Swimming and Hydroexercise

Individual Sport Family

PE 208 - Bowling
PE 224 - Golf
PE 407 - Adapted Bowling

Team Sports Family

PE 4 - Basketball
PE 7 - Baseball
PE 74 - Soccer
PE 233 - Pep Squad and Cheer
PE 234ab - Pep Squad and Cheer Competition
PE 253 - Volleyball
PE 255 - Beach Volleyball

Lifeguard Family

PE 247 - Swimming, Lifeguard Training
PE 248 - Swimming, Water Safety Instructor

Yoga Family

PE 257 - Yoga for Health and Fitness
PE 258 - Power Vinyasa Yoga
PE 409 - Adapted Yoga

Outdoor Fitness Adventure Family

PE 47 - Introduction to Indoor Rock Climbing
PE 250 - Techniques of Surfboard Riding



Ceramics Family

Art 161 - Beginning Ceramics
Art 262 - Intermediate Ceramics
Art 263 - Advanced Ceramics

Painting Family

Art 222 - Fundamentals of Painting I
Art 223A - Fundamentals of Painting II
Art 223B - Fundamentals of Painting III

Drawing Family

Art 110 - Drawing Fundamentals I
Art 210 - Drawing Fundamentals II

Printmaking Family

Art 187 - Printmaking I: Etching and Relief
Art 288 - Printmaking II: Etching and Relief
Art 289 - Lithography
Art 290 - Screen Printing

Figure Painting Family

Art 224 - Life Painting I
Art 225 - Life Painting II

Sculpture Family

Art 181 - Beginning Sculpture
Art 282 - Life Sculpture

Jewelry Family

Art 173 - Introduction to Jewelry and Metalsmithing
Art 274 - Jewelry Fabrication
Art 275 - Jewelry Casting

Two-Dimensional Design Family

Art 130 - Two-Dimensional Design I
Art 230 - Two-Dimensional Design II

Life Drawing Family

Art 217 - Life Drawing I
Art 218A - Life Drawing II
Art 218B - Life Drawing III

Watercolor Family

Art 219 - Watercolor Painting I
Art 220 - Watercolor Painting II


Ballet Family

Dance 120A - Beginning Ballet A
Dance 120B - Beginning Ballet B
Dance 220A - Intermediate Ballet A
Dance 220B - Intermediate Ballet B
Dance 221 - Ballet Variations

Social Dance Family

Dance 167 - Social and Ballroom Dance
Dance 168 - Latin Social Dance
Dance 268 - Intermediate Latin Social Dance

Choreography Family

Dance 171A - Beginning Choreography A
Dance 171B - Beginning Choreography B
Dance 271A - Intermediate Choreography A
Dance 271B - Intermediate Choreography B

Tap Dance Family

Dance 161 - Tap Dance I - Beginning
Dance 261 - Tap Dance II - Intermediate

Jazz Dance Family

Dance 140 - Jazz Dance I
Dance 240 - Jazz Dance II

World Dance Family

Dance 164 - World Dance
Dance 165 - African Dance
Dance 265 - Intermediate African Dance

Modern Dance Family

Dance 130A - Beginning Modern Dance A
Dance 130B - Beginning Modern Dance B
Dance 230A - Intermediate Modern Dance A
Dance 230B - Intermediate Modern Dance B



Audition Preparation Family

Music 232 - Advanced Piano
Music 290 - Intermediate Applied Music/Individual Lessons

Large Ensemble Family

Music 265abcd - Symphonic Band
Music 268abcd - Symphony Orchestra

Beginning Instrument Family

Music 143 - Beginning Woodwind Instruments
Music 144 - Beginning Brass Instruments
Music 145 - Beginning Percussion Instruments
Music 146 - Beginning String Instruments

Piano Family

Music 131A - Beginning Piano I
Music 131B - Beginning Piano II
Music 231A - Intermediate Piano I
Music 231B - Intermediate Piano II

Choral Ensemble Family

Music 151abcd - Mixed Chorus
Music 152abcd - Concert Choir
Music 253abcd - Chorale
Music 257abcd - Women’s Chorus

Small Ensembles Family

Music 260abcd - Woodwind Ensembles
Music 261abcd - Brass Ensembles
Music 262abcd - Percussion Ensembles
Music 264abcd - String Ensembles

Guitar Family

Music 147A - Beginning Guitar
Music 147B - Beginning Guitar II
Music 247 - Intermediate Guitar

Voice Family

Music 120 - Voice Class I
Music 220 - Voice Class II
Music 221 - Introduction to Lyric Diction for Singers

Jazz Large Ensemble Family

Music 266abcd - Studio Jazz Band
Music 267abcd - Concert Jazz Band



Acting Family

Theatre 113 - Introduction to Acting
Theatre 114 - Fundamentals of Acting
Theatre 214A - Intermediate Acting
Theatre 217 - Acting Shakespeare


Field Trips and Excursions

Board Policy 4300

The Superintendent/President shall establish procedures that regulate the use of District funds for student travel and attendance at conferences and other activities that are performed as a class assignment or co-curricular activity.

The Superintendent/President, under authorization from the Board of Trustees, may authorize field trips and excursions for students in connection with courses of instruction or College-related social, educational, cultural, athletic or musical activities to and from places in California, or any other state, the District of Columbia, or a foreign country. The Superintendent/President may delegate the authority to the appropriate Vice President.

The District may pay for expenses of students participating in a field trip or excursion with auxiliary, grant or categorical program funds if the funds are used consistently with the funding source. The expenses of instructors, chaperones, and other personnel traveling with students may also be paid from District funds. No student shall be prevented from making a field trip or excursion which is integral to the completion of the course because of lack of sufficient funds.

Students and staff shall at all times adhere to the standards of conduct applicable to conduct on campus.

Additional Information

Throughout the school year, the District may sponsor voluntary field trips and excursions in which students may want to participate. Be advised, as stated in Title 5, Section 55220, if a student participates in a voluntary field trip or excursion, the student has deemed to hold harmless the District, its officers, agents and employees from all liability or claims, which may arise out of or in connection with the student’s participation in this activity.

Instructional Materials Fees

Students may be required to provide instructional materials required for a credit or non-credit course. Such materials shall be of continuing value to a student outside of the classroom setting and shall not be solely or exclusively available from the District.

Required instructional materials shall not include materials used or designed primarily for administrative purposes, class management, course management, or supervision.

Where instructional materials are available to a student temporarily through a license or access fee, the student shall be provided options at the time of purchase to maintain full access to the instructional materials for varying periods of time ranging from the length of the class up to at least two years. The terms of the license or access fee shall be provided to the student in a clear and understandable manner prior to purchase.

For more information on Instructional Materials Fees and the Student Fee Handbook, please visit the Academic Affairs webpage www.elcamino.edu/administration/vpaa/instructional-materials-fee.asp.