Jan 18, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Student Learning Outcomes

Institutional Learning Outcomes

Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs) define the skills and knowledge a student should possess upon completion of a course of study at El Camino College.

El Camino College Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILO):

Students completing a course of study at El Camino College will achieve the following learning outcomes:

1. Clarify The Path

El Camino college ensures students can find, access and understand information available to help guide them toward their educational goals, including major requirements and related careers. The information is available in these forms:

  • Web-based (Program Pathways Mapper, program web pages, meta-major information, Student Support Hub on Canvas);

  • Events (career events through the Career Center or meta-major communities);

  • College personnel (advice-seeking through counseling or advising with professors);

  • Communications through text or email (ECC Connect, meta-major and special programs communications).

2. Enter The Path

The college guides students to make informed decisions about their program of study and use appropriate supports to help them enroll in and succeed in their gateway courses:

  • Students are confident about their choice of major and the career goal that the major leads to;

  • Counselors help students design and develop their comprehensive educational plan;

  • Students are able to enroll in their courses with minimal obstacles;

  • College personnel guide students to appropriate supports (e.g.math study center, Reading and Writing Studio, SRC, FYE);

  • Degree-seeking students pass college-level math and English as well as their major’s gateway courses in the first year to pave the way for their subsequent course of study.

3. Stay on The Path

The college supports students to persist in their chosen learning path and see it through to completion.

  • Needed support services exist and are equitably available and accessible.

  • Students are aware of and use relevant support services as needed;

  • Students understand and follow their comprehensive educational plan;

  • Students complete their chosen educational goal(s).

4. Ensure Learning

The college empowers students to learn the needed skills and content in their chosen courses and programs of study through relevant assessment practices as well as periodic evaluation of its assessment systems.

  • In identified gateway and high impact courses, the college is closing equity gaps in success and retention, as well as achievement of learning outcomes.

  • Students are achieving the stated outcomes at the course and program levels as demonstrated by assessment of SLOs and PLOs;

  • The assessment process and outcomes are continually reviewed to ensure alignment with outcomes in other courses, transfer destinations, and need of industry partners.

  • Students have opportunities to apply the skills they learn in the classroom in active learning opportunities as well as outside the classroom in the form of projects, portfolios, internships, study abroad, and more.

The college assesses its ILOs on a 4-year cycle, with a one ILO statement scheduled for assessment in any given academic year. 

Student Learning Outcomes and Service Area Outcomes

Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) define the skills and knowledge a student should possess upon completion of a particular course. 

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) define the skills and knowledge a student should possess upon completion of a particular program.

Service Area Outcomes (SAOs) measure the level of understanding, skills, and/or knowledge a student will possess upon interaction with a student support service or administrative service.

SAO, SLO, PLO, and ILO information may be found on the SLO webpage:


The standards for accreditation require colleges to assess student learning on a regular and continuous basis to ensure that students are learning the course and program objectives and content as well as acquiring the understanding, skills, and/or knowledge desired by student support services and administrative services. Through an effective student learning outcomes assessment process, faculty members are able to review their courses and make adjustments to improve student achievement while student support services and administrative services staff are able to review the effectiveness of the services provided. The college is required by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) Standards for Accreditation to provide the accrediting commission and students with evidence that an ongoing and rigorous program for assessment of student learning outcomes is in place. The college evaluates the instructional and support services programs on a regular schedule to improve student learning through scheduled program review, assessment of SLOs, PLOs, ILOs, and SAOs, as well as program planning and evaluation.