Jan 18, 2025  
2024-2025 Catalog 
2024-2025 Catalog

Registration for Classes

Open Enrollment

Unless specifically exempted by statute, every course, course section, or class, wherever offered and maintained by the District, shall be fully open to enrollment and participation by any person who has been admitted to El Camino College and who meets such prerequisites as may be established pursuant to Article 2.5 (commencing with Section 55200) of Subchapter 1 of Chapter 6 of Division 6 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.

Email Accounts and the Portal

Students are required to use their El Camino College assigned email account. This email account is a tool used to communicate with faculty and ECC divisions and for ECC to communicate with students. Student email address is LoginID followed by @elcamino.edu.

For example: john_doe@elcamino.edu

Students must also use MyECC,
El Camino College’s gateway to information about academic and financial aid records, as well as general information about the college. Students may access MyECC from the convenience of their home, from a computer lab, or by using one of the college’s kiosks. MyECC can be accessed at: www.elcamino.edu; click on MyECC.

Registration Information

Registration Procedure

Each student is required to have a registration appointment before being permitted to register. It is issued prior to the start of the registration cycle for continuing students and on a first-come, first-serve basis for new and returning students and indicates the day and hour of registration. Registration appointments are issued based on the policy and procedure of the El Camino Community College District. Please refer to Board Policy 5055 and Administrative Procedure 5055. Appointments are available to qualified students who complete the admission requirements.

Students must enroll on the date and time indicated or any time thereafter in accordance with the published registration schedule.

If you are a continuing student on Level II probation status or have earned 100 or more units at El Camino College, a hold will be placed on your registration. Check your unofficial ECC transcripts through MyECC and schedule a Student Enhancement Program workshop at the Counseling Center in the Student Services Center.

Schedule of Classes

Before the registration period for each semester or session, the college publishes a Schedule of Classes listing the courses offered, general registration procedures and placement and college ability tests. Schedules are available online at www.elcamino.edu/admissions/schedule.asp and may also be obtained at the Bookstore for a nominal fee. A searchable class schedule showing open and available classes is also available online.

Priority Registration

In compliance with Section 58108 of Title 5, California Administrative Code, priority registration will be implemented as follows:


Enrollment in courses and programs may be limited to students meeting properly established prerequisites and corequisites.

Enrollment may also be limited due to the following:

  1. Health and safety considerations
  2. Facility limitations
  3. Faculty workload
  4. Availability of qualified instructors
  5. Funding limitations
  6. Constraint of regional planning
  7. Legal requirements imposed by statutes, regulations, or contracts

Registration Priorities

During registration periods, the following registration priority shall be followed:

Priority Level 1 - Eligible students in veterans, foster youth, DSPS, EOPS, and CalWORKs groups

Priority Level 2 - Eligible students in Title 5 sanctioned groups (none at this time)

Priority Level 3 - Eligible students in district designated groups

Priority Level 4 - Eligible in-district new students

Priority Level 5 - Eligible continuing students

Priority Level 6 - Eligible non-district new or returning students

Priority Level 7 - Other new or returning students

Priority Level 8 - K-12 concurrently enrolled students

Priority Level 9 - Continuing students on probation for two consecutive terms and/or continuing students with 100 or more earned units

Priority Level 10 - Reinstated dismissed students

Students within a continuing student priority level will be prioritized by units earned at or through El Camino College and/or Compton College. The more units earned, the higher priority up to an earned unit limit of 100. Continuing students with the same earned unit value will be prioritized randomly.

Students within a new/returning student priority level will be prioritized by the submission date of their application for admissions. New/retuning students who applied on the same day will be prioritized randomly.

Eligible new students in Priority Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 must have completed orientation, assessment, and developed an educational plan. Students should contact Veterans’ Services, Foster Youth, DSPS, EOPS, CalWORKs or one of the district-designated groups to receive information on qualifications for those programs and eligibility for priority registration.

Continuous Enrollment for Priority Registration

Continuous enrollment at El Camino College and Compton College constitutes enrollment in the most recent previous semester per academic year, excluding summer or winter sessions. A student must remain enrolled in at least one course for sufficient time to receive a grade of “W” or a letter grade.

For the complete El Camino College Administrative Procedure 5055, Registration Priorities, please go to www.elcamino.edu/administration/board/policies.asp

Priority Level 1 - Veterans and Foster Youth

  1. Veterans - any qualified member or former member of the Armed Forces of the United States.
  2. Foster Youth - any student qualified to participate in the foster youth program.
  3. DSPS - any student qualified to participate in and who receives services from DSPS.
  4. EOPS - any student qualified to participate in and enrolled into the EOPS program.

Priority Level 2 - Sanctioned by Title 5 per the California Community College Board of Governors: none at this time.

Priority Level 3 - District-designated Priority Groups The students in level three are members of a cohort approved by the El Camino Community College District Board of Trustees to receive priority registration. For the purposes of priority enrollment, these groups shall be treated equally.

Priority Level 4 - Eligible In-District New Students

  1. Any eligible new (first time) in-district student at El Camino College or Compton College
  2. Students in this level must meet the deadlines and requirements of the District
  3. See the El Camino College Fact Book for in-district high schools

Note: students who were enrolled concurrently in high school and El Camino College in the past are not returning students; they are new students.

Priority Level 5 - Continuing Students

  1. Any continuing student at El Camino College or Compton College not disqualified from receiving priority registration by other sections of this procedure.
  2. A continuing student is a student who continues enrollment at El Camino College or Compton College without a break of enrollment of a primary term (fall or spring).

Priority Level 6 - Other Eligible New/Returning Students

  1. Other eligible out-of-district new students
  2. Eligible returning students

Priority Level 7 - New/Returning Students who have not participated in one or more of the required activities (orientation, assessment, development of an education plan) and in the timeframe determined by the District.

  1. Other in-district students who have attended another college, but are new to El Camino College
  2. Out-of-district new students
  3. Students returning to El Camino College after a break in enrollment

Priority Level 8 - K-12 Concurrently Enrolled Students In accordance with the California Education Code, concurrently enrolled students must be assigned low enrollment priority in order to ensure that these students do not displace regularly admitted students. Assignment of the registration appointment time for a K-12 concurrently enrolled student is on a first-come, first-served basis. Each K-12 concurrently enrolled student shall be assigned a registration appointment time based on the submission data of all required documents for admissions (application for admissions, K-12 concurrent enrollment form, and other documents required by law, regulation, and district policy). Failure of a K-12 student to apply and submit all required documents by the college deadline shall result in that K-12 student being denied admission and subsequent registration for that term.

Priority Level 9 - On probation for two consecutive primary terms or have reached the 100-unit limit. Students in this category shall be prioritized randomly.

  1. Probation: Continuing students who are on academic or progress probation for two consecutive primary terms.
  2. 100-Unit Limit
    1. Continuing students who have earned one hundred (100) or more degree-applicable semester units at El Camino College or Compton College
    2. Exemptions from 100-unit limit: Units for non- degree applicable English as a Second Language or basic skills courses are exempted from the 100- unit limit.

Priority Level 10 - Reinstated from Dismissal

  1. Students who have been reinstated following dismissal. Students would have been dismissed for the following: academic dismissal, progress dismissal, or both academic and progress dismissal.
  2. Dismissal does not include students who have been expelled or suspended.

Registration Time Allowance

  1. Scheduled Appointment Time

All students may register on or after their scheduled registration appointment time, but not before.

  1. Failure of the Student to Meet Deadlines or Follow Policy and Procedure

All students must register by the published deadlines and in accordance with the policies and procedures of the district. If a student fails to meet these deadlines or to follow the district’s policies and/or procedures, the student will not be allowed to register for courses. A student who attends and participates in a course without proper registration will neither receive credit nor a grade for that course and the backdating of registration will not be considered by the district unless the student can prove that he/she properly registered in a timely manner and it was a college error that caused the registration to fail.

A hold against a student (dean, fee, dismissal, etc.), a failure by the student to apply for admissions for the term in question and by the application deadline, a failure by the student to meet prerequisites or corequisites, an unapproved course overload, a K-12 form or process not properly executed, an admissions hold (residency, AB 540, missing data, etc.) not resolved by the student in the manner and timeframe proscribed by the district shall not be considered to be college error. A student will not be allowed to enroll in a class if there is any time overlap with another class.

A student may not be allowed to enroll in a class if the enrollment violates any of the repeat rules as set forth in Title 5 or in the El Camino College policy and procedure on repeats. Attending and participating in a course without registration, does not constitute college error.

For the complete El Camino College Board Policy and Procedure for Priority Registration please see Board Policy 5055 and Administrative Procedure 5055.

Unit Limitations

The student’s program of study will vary according to individual need and objectives. The maximum full-time student program for a semester is 18 units without a physical education class and 19 units with a physical education class. The maximum program of study for the summer session is 10 units if at least one unit is physical education. The maximum program of study for the winter session is 7 units.

The minimum full-time student program is 12 units per semester. A student wishing to take more than the maximum units may file a petition through the Counseling Services Division. Students must have completed at least 15 transferable units in one semester at El Camino College with a 2.75 grade point average and an overall grade point average of 2.5 or higher to be eligible for an overload.

In addition to scheduled class hours, students should include in their weekly schedule the time necessary to study and prepare for classes. Each student is expected to spend two hours per week in study and preparation for each class hour for lecture courses. Students who work in business or industry should reduce their total study programs in proportion to the demands of their employment and personal activities. If employment requires 40 hours or more per week, students would limit their study program to seven units or less each semester.

Full-Time Student

A student is defined as full time if carrying 12 units or more during the regular semester or four units during the summer session.

Veteran and War Orphan benefits under the GI Bill® are based on 12 units for full subsistence; nine units for three-fourth subsistence; six units for half subsistence. ”GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill.”

For automobile insurance and other insurance benefits, a student must be enrolled in 12 units.

Athletic eligibility is based on 12 units and student government eligibility is eight units.

F and M Visa students must maintain full-time status of 12 units or more. Any exception to this requirement must be approved in advance by a “Designated School Official.” An F or M Visa student who drops below 12 units without receiving approval from a “Designated School Official” will be out of status and subject to deportation.


Attendance at First Class

Students who enroll in class but do not attend the first scheduled class meeting may be dropped from the roster and their places given to waiting list students. If illness or emergency prevents a student from attending the first class session, the student must contact the instructor.

A student who registers for a class and never attends is still responsible for dropping the class. Failure to properly drop a class by the appropriate deadline may result in a “W” and may hold the student responsible for any and all fees associated with the class. The burden of proof is on the student.

Attendance without Official Enrollment

Students will not be permitted to attend classes in which they are not officially registered. Exceptions may be allowed by the instructor for bona fide visitors. Students who attend a class without proper enrollment (the student did not properly register or add the class) by the published deadline will not be permitted to “late add” the class except for documented extenuating and mitigating circumstances. Students who do not properly register or add a class will receive neither unit nor grade credit for that class.

Attendance during Semester

Students are expected to attend their classes regularly. Students who miss the first class meeting or who are not in regular attendance during the add period for the class may be dropped by the instructor. Students whose absences from a class exceed 10 percent of the scheduled class meeting time may be dropped by the instructor. However, students are responsible for dropping a class within the deadlines published in the class schedule. Students who stop attending but do not drop may receive a failing grade. Students may view their registration status on MyECC.

Adding a Class

If space is available, students who have completed registration may add a class by going to the first meeting of the class and securing permission of the instructor. It is the responsibility of the student to fulfill all requirements to add a course, and to add the course by the add deadline in accordance with college procedures. Adds will not be processed beyond the add deadline.

Filled and Cancelled Classes

Because many classes fill quickly in the registration process, students should enroll for classes as soon as their appointment time allows. Students who wish to take a pre-collegiate basic skills course that is a required prerequisite and all sections of that basic skills course are filled, may petition to have the prerequisite course waived for that particular term. Guidelines and forms for requesting a waiver of a prerequisite are available in the counseling office in the Student Services Center.

All classes scheduled at El Camino College are subject to cancellation. Although the college makes every effort to run each class that is scheduled, occasionally a class must be canceled due to insufficient enrollment or to the unavailability of an instructor.

Withdrawal from Class

Official withdrawal from class must be processed through the MyECC student portal. Failure to complete this process may result in the assignment of a letter grade of A through F.

Dropping a Class

It is the responsibility of the student to officially drop a class by the deadline date. If a student fails to drop by the deadline, the student may be subject to a substandard grade, a withdrawal “W,” and incur all relevant fees.

Attendance by Non-registered Students

Only those students registered in a class may attend the class. Students who have completed the proper auditing procedure are allowed to attend without receiving grades or unit credit. No others may attend, including children of students.

Auditing of Courses

Education Code Section 76370 permits the Board of Trustees to authorize a person to audit a community college course.

A student may audit selected El Camino College courses with following provisions:

  1. Priority in class enrollment shall be given to students desiring to take the course for credit toward a degree or certificate. Auditing a course is on a space-available basis.
  2. No student auditing a course shall be permitted to change his or her enrollment in that course to receive credit for the course. Students will not be permitted to earn credit by examination for audited courses.
  3. A student wishing to audit a course must first obtain a petition to audit form in the Admissions Office. Registration for audit will occur no sooner than the second week of classes.
  4. The audit of a class is subject to the approval of the instructor of the course and the dean of the academic division. Neither the instructor nor the dean is obligated to approve an audit.

Fee for auditing a class shall be $15 per unit per semester (subject to change). Students enrolled in classes to receive credit for 10 or more semester credit units shall not be charged a fee to audit three or fewer semester units per semester. Fees are to be paid before attending the class and are non-refundable.

Children in Classrooms

Children are not permitted in classrooms while class is in session. Attendance in class is limited to officially enrolled students and authorized visitors and guests only. Students shall not allow children to be left unattended or unsupervised anywhere on campus. It is the responsibility of each faculty member to inform students of this requirement.