Feb 07, 2025
CHEM 1A - General Chemistry I 5 units 3 hours lecture, 6 hours lab Prerequisite: (1) CHEM 4 with a minimum grade of C or CHEM 4H or 1 year
of high school chemistry and qualification by testing (El
Camino College Chemistry Placement Test) and assessment
(2) eligibility for MATH 170 or qualification by testing (El
Camino College Mathematics Placement Test) and assessment Recommended Preparation: Eligibility for English 1A Credit, degree applicable Transfer CSU, UC
This course details fundamental theory and principles of atomic and molecular structure, physical states and chemical reactions. Included is the study of elements, compounds, periodic relationships, bonding, acids and bases, oxidation-reduction, energy, solutions, electrolytes and chemical equations. Descriptive chemistry of water and selected nonmetals including hydrogen, oxygen and carbon is presented.
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